SEBA Organic Community Gardens: Conditions of Use

SEBA Gardens is currently closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We anticipate re-opening once regular site access is restored.

Revised January 23, 2020.

Administrative Rules

Gardening Rules and Guidelines

Getting Along and Courtesy in the Gardens

SEBA Gardens Rules on Probation

In our first year (Summer 2016), we had a nice success: Many vegetables and flowers, some really beautiful plots, and a few excellent examples of people doing a great job of “wintering over” their plots. However, a significant number of people either i) abandoned their plots, or ii) did not clear their plots at the end of the Summer; these actions cause a large increase in the weed load for all Gardeners and create significant additional burden for all of us. For these reasons, we have implemented a more formal process of probation. We wish to offer a combination of i) encouragement and assistance, by offering a Mentor and ii) enforcement mechanisms.

In the event of Garden Plot misuse or abandonment, a probationary period and revocation of the plot will follow for the gardener.

Probationary status is assigned if any of the following conditions occur:

  1. End‐of‐Season (EOS) clean‐up is not performed for previous planting season. Garden must be cleared of all plants and ground must be prepared for the cover crop (cover crop arrangements can be made on an individual basis). Any additional EOS tasks assigned by the SEBA Gardens Committee must also be completed; these tasks will be assigned using the SEBA Gardens member e‐mail.
  2. Monthly Garden Plot check finds the garden is not in good condition two times in a row. Monthly Garden Plot checks will occur on each Garden Work Day during the planting season (April‐September.)

    A first offense will result in

    1. an email warning with details of what is unacceptable about the plot, and
    2. an offer to assign a Mentor.

    A second offense will result in the member being placed on probation.

Failed Probation

Probation failure occurs when a member who is on probation fails a Garden Plot check. Failed probation results in the following:

  1. revocation of the plot for the rest of the season, and
  2. the following year the member will not be allowed to have a plot, and
  3. the second following year the member will be on probation for the entire planting season.

Mentors (if available)

The Garden Committee will assign a mentor. The member will meet with their mentor about once per week in the garden in order to receive encouragement, advice and assistance. We hope this encouragement will help the member to recover a productive plot and avoid the consequences of probation.